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The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games: Its Role in Infrastructure, Telecommunication, and Politics

For Russia the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games will play a huge role in its infrastructure, telecommunication, and politics. In a report released by the Federal Target Programme (FTP), as of June 2009 the organizers of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games have been designating its Olympic facilities in advance. According to the FTP, the Russian government is expected to allot $580 million for the construction of facilities for the Winter Olympic Games. The budget will be also used for the following:

Construction of digital broadcasting infrastructures, including radio and TV stations assigned to cover the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games.
Assembly of “info-communication centers” for HDTV satellite coverage of the games worldwide.
Modernization of the TETRA local mobile radio for the 100 target user groups who will cover the events via radio.
The extension of fiber-optic cables along the Anapa-Dzhubga-Sochi highway and other Krasnodar towns. The cables will enable live news feeds and video conferences from the games.The Sochi City Light Metro is expected to take its construction between the Krasnaya Polyana and Adler roads. The Krasnaya Polyana is where the Olympic Park will be located. The Adler railroad meanwhile will be constructed to enable its regional telecommunications services during the Winter Olympic season. In December 2009, The Russian Railways ordered the designation of 38 Seimens Mobility trains in Sochi. The trains will serve as the official transportation of the athletes and other delegates. A 3.5 km runway extension is set to be constructed along the Sochi Airport. The runway will be situated along the Mzymta River fronting Sochi City’s backup airports.As of May 2009, Russian Railways already started the construction of the “Tunnel Complex No.1″ within the Adler and Alpica railroads. The railway tunnel is expected to be finished in 2013. According to Vladimir Yakunin, head of Russian Railways, the Tunnel Complex No. 1 is where the mobility trains provided by Seimens will take its passage. Yakunin also stated that the construction of the tunnel is expected to cost 200 billion Rubbles (Russia’s official currency).In May 2010, the National Anti-Criminal and Anti-Terrorist Fund in Russia expressed their concerns regarding the tight security of Sochi City in the upcoming Winter Olympics. According to Oleg Nechiporkenko, chief analyst of the said agency, the city’s capacity to host the 2013 Winter Olympic Games is impossible due to the car bombing incidents that continues to occur in some Krasnodar communities. Envoy to North Caucasus Alexander Khloponin stated the event’s impact in the Sochi’s tourism industry.